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IESA aims to promote the conservation and sustainable management of coastal and marine natural resources. Headquartered in Ilhéus - BA, Brazil, IESA works with traditional communities and policy makers to promote innovative solutions for environmental conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.


Our projects are structured in four lines of action: Knowledge, Research and Monitoring, Blue Economy and Public Policies.



The IESA team is made up of passionate professionals with scientific training and extensive experience in fisheries engineering, environmental management and the planning and execution of socio-environmental projects.  


Our professionals have more than 10 years of experience in projects aimed at:

  • fisheries management research and consultancy

  • payment for environmental services

  • elaboration and evaluation of public policies aimed at environmental management

  • socioeconomic studies

  • political articulation, institutional relationship and dialogue with various sectors of society

  • participatory processes

  • sustainability of production chains and socio-environmental certification/verification standards

  • execution of projects and studies with traditional communities

  • management of protected areas


Daniel Viana

Daniel Viana is a fisheries scientist focused on the nexus between small-scale fisheries management and human nutrition. Throughout his career, he has been involved with universities, government and NGOs seeking innovative solutions to fisheries management challenges. Daniel graduated in fisheries engineering from Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco and holds a master's and PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Public Health at Harvard University investigating the effects of marine protected areas on human health and nutrition. Daniel is co-founder and executive director of IESA responsible for the supervision and design of projects.

Cecilia Viana 

Cecilia has a BA in geography from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), a master's degree in Environmental Sciences from Yale University and a PhD in Sustainable Development from University of Brasília (UnB). Her training and professional experiences focus on the areas of environmental governance and development alternatives aligned with the conservation of biodiversity and the rights of traditional peoples and communities. She collaborated with the Sustainable Amazon Network, first as a field coordinator and later as a postdoc researcher at Lancaster University. She works as a consultant for philanthropic organizations. Cecilia co-founded IESA and currently collaborates in the supervision of projects and institutional relations.


Isandra D´Ávila

She has a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management from the State University of Amazonas, with 20 years of professional experience in the Amazon in administrative-financial management, planning and execution of socio-environmental projects with traditional and riverside communities in the Conservation Units of the State of Amazonas. He has skills in political articulation, institutional relations and dialogue with governments, companies and civil society, in addition to extensive experience in coordinating teams and organizing major events. His main professional experiences were as Administrative-Financial Coordinator at the Non-Governmental Organization PESACRE in Rio Branco (AC), Administrative Manager at the Laboratory of Tropical Silviculture of ESALQ / USP in Piracicaba (SP), Executive Secretary of the State Council for the Environment in the State Amazonas in Manaus- AM; Special Advisor at the Amazonas Environmental Protection Institute and at the Amazonas State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development in Manaus (AM), Executive Coordinator, Institutional Relationship Coordinator and Ombudsman at the Amazonas Sustainable Foundation in Manaus (AM). Despite being an Amazonian, she intends to move and focus her work in Bahia, with the objective of applying her experience in management in the development of IESA.


Helena Gonçalves

Environmental manager graduated in 2009 from the University of São Paulo (ESALQ / USP) and Master in Applied Ecology at the same institution. After graduation and during her master's degree, she worked in the evaluation of payment for environmental services mechanisms and water resources management. Over the last 7 years she has been developing projects for the sustainability of agricultural and socio-biodiversity value chains, having experience mainly in the chains of cocoa, coffee, sugar cane, soybeans, Brazil nuts, açaí and native timber, and more recently, on marine fisheries. Helena has worked in the verification and adequation of suppliers to voluntary sustainability standards and environmental and labor law. She has extracurricular training and experience in participatory processes, especially with riverside communities and small farmers. Passionate about the theme of the impact of food on sustainability, she believes that environmental and social issues cannot be dissociated and sees the sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity as another opportunity to act to improve the living conditions of human populations and the conservation of ecosystems. She moved recently to São Sebastião, in São Paulo´s coast, where she has been dedicating to Iesa´s activities and in the coordination of the project Nossa Pesca.

Tiago Ucella

Oceanographer graduated from the University of São Paulo and pos-graduated in Environment and Sustainability at Getúlio Vargas Foundation. During the university, besides other internships, he took part in the project “Fish’s Voice” in the Laboratory of Fisheries Ecosystem (IO-USP). The goal was to highlight the importance of the traditional knowledge for decision making for elaboration of local rules related to the fish. Worked with Programs and Projects of Environmental Education in the Foundation of Aquatic Studies and Researches (FUNDESPA). He took part in the Environmental Education Program of the São Sebastião Port and more actively, in the Program of Participatory Action to the Fish (PAPP), acting as facilitator in the communication between the fisheries communities, environmental and regulatory agencies, government and Petrobras. Nowadays, Tiago is wildlife technician at Argonauta Institute in São Sebsatião (SP) and project assistant at IESA.


Adrià Lacorte (President)  



Fernando Rosseti Ferreira (Vice-President)



Marilia Britto Rodrigues de Moraes


Mariano Colini Cenamo


Marcos Roberto Penna Nascimento



Luiz Fernando Silva Magnago


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